Bitcoin Instructions

How To Set-Up A Bitcoin Account

What Is Bitcoin?

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Step 1: Set up a free Coinbase account

Click Here

Step 2: Follow all the steps to complete the verification process of your Bitcoin account

Step 3: You can locate your Bitcoin address by going to ‘Accounts’ then ‘Receive’ then ‘Show Address’ to find your bitcoin address as shown in the image below.

Step 4: Add your payment method by going to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Payment Methods.’ Follow the prompts for verifying you credit card and/or bank account.

Step 5: To Buy Bitcoin and place it into your Coinbase account, you will useย  your credit card or bank account that you have added to your account in Step 4. Go to the ‘Buy/Sell’ tab. Choose Bitcoin, then your cc or bank account, and enter the amount in your currency (you will see how much this is in BTC to the right). Click ‘BUY’ and it shows up in your Bitcoin account instantly if you’ve completed the verification step.

NOTE: You can always know how much Bitcoin is worth in your country’s currency byย  doing a Google search for “currency converter” or click here.

Step 6: When you are ready to send Bitcoin to someone click the “Account” tab then ‘Send’ add the Bitcoin address from the person or business you are paying (long chain of letters and numbers) into the Recipient box. Add the amount in BTC (refer to currency converter) click ‘Continue.’ You will see the Bitcoin deducted from your account immediately, please be patient for it to be verified and received by your recipient.

For an incredible Bitcoin business click here to see my #1 recommended Bitcoin Business that is changing the way people do business.

ย For more Bitcoin wallets options click here.

I hope you enjoyed this Bitcoin Tutorial.